What is AI SEO, and how can it improve your website ranking?

RVS Media
10 min readAug 6, 2024


Do you find it difficult to manage your SEO strategies? Well, you are not the only one! The complicated and dynamic rules of SEO can be very tough to deal with! But what if we say that there’s a way to automate these processes and make things simpler for you? What if we say that AI SEO can be your saviour in these tough times? Yes, you have heard it right!

But what exactly is it? It is the integration of artificial intelligence in search engine optimisation to increase the visibility of your websites. Want to know more about it? If yes, then keep reading the blog! In this blog, we are going to discuss AI SEO, its importance and techniques to improve your website’s visibility, and a lot more. So, sit patiently and read word by word because this blog is going to help you a lot!

So, let’s just begin with the basics and understand what exactly Artificial Intelligence is!

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines/ robots to work just like humans. AI can do all such tasks that are usually done by humans. They can generate natural language, identify objects, make predictions, communicate and provide information just like humans. This all is done by feeding Artificial Intelligence systems with a lot of information on various subjects.

Now that we know what artificial intelligence is, let’s put some light on this new term, that is AI SEO.

What Is AI SEO?

As the name suggests, AI SEO means the use of artificial intelligence in search engine optimisation. To say it simply, AI SEO means using artificial intelligence to maximise the visibility of your website on search engines.

Do you know that about 30% of businesses that have adopted AI in sales and marketing have witnessed a 6 to 10% boost in their revenue?

The application of Artificial Intelligence in local SEO services makes otherwise time-consuming SEO tasks quicker than ever. For example, you can easily and quickly create an outline, search for keywords, get content ideas, and perform other SEO tactics using artificial intelligence.

Also, you can create a result-driven SEO strategy with the help of artificial intelligence. Most importantly, you can focus your attention on the most critical SEO tasks.

But how does AI SEO perform these tasks so quickly with ease? AI SEO can perform these tasks promptly with their natural language processing and machine learning capabilities. Both elements allow the software to analyse loads of information in a short period. Also, they offer data based on the understanding fed in them.

For instance, Google’s BERT and Rankbrain algorithms are powered by Artificial Intelligence. Google makes use of AI to deliver the most relevant results to the users.

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Top 6 Benefits of AI SEO in Business Growth

When it comes to understanding the benefits of AI SEO in business growth, then they are plenty. However, we have noted down some of the notable benefits of AI SEO. You can read below to understand how important it is to integrate AI into your SEO strategies.

1. Advanced Personalisation

Have you ever noticed that if you search for something on the internet, then that thing is visible to you on almost every social media platform? This is personalisation! It is the key to engaging users and improving the SEO of any website to boost conversions. AI SEO helps by analysing the user data to offer personalised recommendations and content to them.

For instance, artificial intelligence algorithms can recommend products to users based on their browsing history in the past. Also, they tailor the whole content to match the interests and preferences of the users. Suppose you search for comfortable shoes on the internet, then you will see those recommendations on every social media platform that you use.

All in all, personalisation can lead to better local SEO services performance and high user engagement on your website.

2. Automated Reporting

SEO Reporting is a very time taking process if it is done by humans. But what if we say that you can make use of artificial intelligence to automate the reporting processes? Yes, you have heard it right.

But what exactly is automated reporting? It refers to the process of using virtual tools to generate SEO reports to the clients. It requires minimal human efforts as the tasks are performed by artificial intelligence tools.

The main benefits of automated SEO reporting are that they are time saving and accurate. Also, it helps in communicating effectively with the clients by delivering reports on time.

3. Better User Experience (UX)

The search engines give priority to the websites that provide a seamless user experience. Also, the users prefer visiting websites that offer a good user experience to them.

Artificial intelligence can analyse the behaviour of users on a website, like bounce rate, time spent on pages, and click-through rates, to identify where they need improvement. So, by understanding the way users interact with a website, AI SEO can suggest alterations to enhance UX. This leads to high search engine rankings and better visibility.

Do you know how AI is transforming the future of eCommerce business? If not, read here.

4. Content Creation

“Content is the king” is the main motto of AI SEO. That means no matter what the changes in search engine algorithms, if your content is high in quality and relevant to the users, nothing can distract you. As Google Algorithm makes use of natural language processing (NLP) to comprehend the content of a web page and match it to the searches of users, our recommendation is to apply the E-E-A-T principle of Google.

To have a deep understanding about the needs of customers, AI SEO is of utmost importance in content creation. It can make content creation smooth by giving you suggestions about how SEO friendly content should be!

5. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics means actively focusing on what consumers are looking for. Then offering them the same information before they need it. You as a SEO agency London can make use of Al systems to predict the changes in search engine algorithms and upcoming trends in SEO. This helps the SEO professionals to keep up with the competition in the market.

By making use of artificial intelligence systems, you can find out the keywords that are most searched on search engines. Also, AI can help you out in predicting how search engine algorithms have an impact on website ranking. By making use of all these predictive insights, you can change your seo strategies accordingly. By doing so you can keep up with the competition in the market.

6. Accuracy

AI surpasses data analysis and can process huge amount of data with high precision. When it comes to SEO recommendations and keyword targeting, this precision is very valuable.

The traditional way of keyword research and keyword optimisation is prone to human errors. This can result in ineffective or less effective SEO strategies. However, AI SEO tools can analyse the data points from different sources and offer accurate keyword suggestions that align well with the user intent.

Moreover, the ability of AI to understand and process the natural language suggests more relevant recommendations. This ensures that the content is not just optimised for the search engines, but also resonates well with the target audience. Better accuracy in keyword research and data analysis leads to improved search engine rankings and effective SEO campaigns.

How To Utilise AI SEO To Gain Visibility on Search Engines?

The following are the ways in which you can utilise AI SEO to gain visibility on the search engines.

Search Engine Rankings

You can use AI SEO for search engine rankings in the following ways.

Evaluate Search Rankings:

Artificial intelligence helps in finding out the factors that led to the ranking of any website. The ranking factors in Google’s algorithm include quality, relevance, and authenticity of the content on a page. You can use HubSpot and Google Analytics to have a better understanding of your search rankings.

Create a Successful Strategy:

Content marketers can understand how AI tools work and then create a successful SEO strategy using AI SEO tools.

Here are the top 10 SEO techniques to improve your Google rankings.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of finding out the keywords that are most relevant and rank well on search engines. This is a manual process where the content marketer must research the keywords one by one in keyword tools such as Ahrefs, ChatGpt, Semrush, SurferSeo, etc.

You will be shocked to know that 46% of keywords have search volume of 10 and even less each month? This highlights the need of using AI SEO tools for keyword research.

Search For Keywords:

AI SEO can simplify keyword research for you. To find out the right keywords for your blog, make sure to enter your main keyword. Then, you will get a list of keywords from which you can choose the ones that work for you.

Look For the Search Volumes:

Then you need to find out the search volumes of each keyword. This will help you out in being visible on the search engines.

Search Intent:

When you search for the keywords using an AI tool, you get a long list of keywords. No matter how much AI can replicate humans, it cannot be a human. That is why, make sure to choose the keywords that align well with your SEO strategies.

Do you want to know how to optimise your site for search engines? If so, then click here.

Technical SEO

AI SEO can also help you out with technical SEO. AI assists in technical SEO by identifying the problems faster and enhancing the overall performance of the website. But how to use AI for technical SEO?

Website Audits:

You can perform website audits using AI. Artificial intelligence algorithms can analyse large amounts of data quickly and perform automated website audits. For that, you can make use of AI tools to check out issues such as broken links, crawl errors, and mobile friendliness issues.

Website Architecture:

You can also improve the architecture of your website using AI. The AI tools offer suggestions to improve the structure of your website for better indexability and crawlability.

Also, AI algorithms can analyse the structure of a website and find out the shortcomings that are leading to poor performance. They can give suggestions regarding URL structure and interlinking.

Technical Issues:

Artificial Intelligence gives priority to technical issues such as mobile friendliness and HTTP implementation. Also, it focuses on website speed optimisation for enhancing the health of your site.

Website Performance Tracking

Artificial intelligence tools also help in keeping track of the website performance. They keep track of user experience, website load times and response times as well.

In addition to this, it can easily find out the issues such as image compression and code minification. By identifying these issues, they can provide solutions regarding the same.

This is how you make use of AI in technical SEO. It gives a comprehensive understanding of the technical health of your website.

Content Optimisation

Artificial intelligence tools are a good way of optimising your content. To use the AI tools effectively for content optimisation, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps.

Evaluate Existing Content:

You can use AI tools to analyse your existing content. By evaluating your content, you can find out where you need to improve. For this, they consider factors such as best SEO practices, relevance as well as reliability.

Optimisation Suggestions:

The AI SEO tools can also offer suggestions to improve your content structure. The suggestions can be about title tags, meta tags, headings etc. You can use these suggestions to improve your content structure.

Content Structuring:

Artificial intelligence systems can also help in structuring your content. This can be done by analysing and evaluating the content structure properly. AI can suggest bullet points, headings and subheadings, to make the user experience better than ever.

Check Readability:

You can make use of AI SEO tools to improve your readability score and enhance the overall engagement of your website. Also, you can make your content grammatically correct using AI SEO tools as well.

Optimise For Semantics and Keywords:

You can also make use of AI to identify the relevant phrases and keywords that can be inserted naturally into your content. Artificial intelligence can also analyse semantic relevance. This will make sure that your content is in alignment with the search intent.

Things To Consider When Using AI SEO Tools

You need to be creative and understanding enough to extract the best results from them. That is why we have written down some of the points that you must consider when using artificial intelligence tools for better results.

1. Communicate Properly

Communicate with the AI SEO tool as if you are communicating with a human. There is no need to use any technical or fancy words. You just need to enter some simple inputs and then you are good to go.

2. Give Relevant Information

Make sure to give all the relevant details to AI for better results. Make the tool understand what you want, what your final objective is, what you wish to achieve, etc

3. Don’t Be in a Hurry

When you are using AI SEO tools, you must be patient. Do not just write your prompt once; check the results and then go. Instead, you should interact with the AI tools for quite some time to get the desired results.

If you are a beginner, then you must read our blog on SEO For eCommerce.

4.Give Right Input

Make sure to provide the right input to your AI SEO tool to get the best results. Do not just give vague information to AI tools.

5.Cross Questioning

If your AI SEO tool says something wrong or provides faulty output, then it is your responsibility to correct the tool and ask for the right solution.

Also, AI is not always right! So do not think that whatever AI is saying is correct. If you feel unsure of any answer provided by AI, then make sure to ask for the right answers.


Here comes the end of our blog on “Everything You Should Know About AI SEO”. As AI is gradually transforming the world of technology, it is also making a great impact in the content marketing world. AI has been integrated into various SEO tools and strategies in the past few years. It is constantly changing the way things work in the content marketing scenario.

AI is impacting the SEO industry in various ways, such as changing search engine algorithms and improving keyword analysis and keyword research. It is also impacting the ways we develop content for voice search. AI SEO is progressing with each passing day, but you see, every coin has two sides. As much as there are benefits of AI in SEO, there are also some consequences of relying too much on AI. That is why SEO Agency and content marketers must use AI judiciously.

If you have any queries, questions, or confusion regarding the above-mentioned information, you can freely contact us. We at RVS Media, (SEO agency London) are always here to assist you.



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